
Parker Hancock
Parker Hancock
Senior Associate


Parker is a technology and intellectual property lawyer who leverages his extensive technical skills and experience to assist clients in fields such as software, hardware, sports, and infrastructure. His principal area of practice is technology litigation with a focus on intellectual property and cybersecurity issues. Parker is also an experienced patent litigator and prosecutor. He has trial experience in district courts and at the International Trade Commission. He also has litigated patent validity in post-grant proceedings at the USPTO, including Inter Partes Reviews.

Parker also has significant experience managing and prosecuting patent portfolios in a wide range of subject areas, including computer hardware and software, consumer products, and medical devices. This has included managing dozens of patent applications for Fortune 500 companies on mobile device software, distributed systems, and web technology. Parker has also prosecuted patent applications for other clients on innovations in cloud-native technologies, database systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain-related technologies.

Admissions & Affiliations

  • State Bar of Texas
  • State Bar of Georgia
  • United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • J.D., Vanderbilt University Law School 2014
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology 2010