Ed Duffy is a first-chair antitrust trial lawyer experienced in litigating both merger and conduct cases brought by government agencies and private parties. Ed most recently served in the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division as senior litigation counsel and acting assistant section chief and had 11 years prior experience in private practice.
While at the DOJ, Ed served as lead trial counsel in the lawsuit challenging JetBlue Airways’ attempted acquisition of Spirit Airlines, including leading the team during a six-week bench trial in which the court enjoined the transaction. Ed also cross-examined multiple experts at trial in the DOJ’s successful challenge to the Northeast Alliance between JetBlue and American Airlines and also managed the initial phases of a monopolization case brought by the DOJ. As an acting assistant chief of the Transportation Energy & Agriculture section, Ed supervised merger and conduct investigations covering numerous industries.
Ed also has extensive experience managing private antitrust litigation, including class actions and disputes between competitors covering a range of industries and types of claims. Ed’s experience covers the lifecycle of antitrust cases, including preparation of complaints, drafting and responding to dispositive motions, managing fact and expert discovery, leading trial teams and handling appeals. In addition to trying multiple antitrust cases to final judgment, Ed has also tried commercial, tort, intellectual property, environmental, and other complex cases in jury trials, bench trials, and arbitrations, as well as defending judgments on appeal. Ed also has experience representing clients in criminal antitrust investigations, as well as counseling clients regarding antitrust liability and litigation risks associated with various business practices.