Estate Tax

To many people, planning for estate taxes seems like a difficult and daunting task. And for good reason, since the applicable, and constantly changing, tax laws make planning in this area extremely complicated. With proper planning our clients oftentimes can greatly minimize and, in some instances, even eliminate, the application of the estate tax to their estates.

Our lawyers are here to guide clients through this maze and are well versed in all facets of the estate tax, from following the rules involved in the administration of estates by executors, to the preparation of complicated estate tax returns, to defending against the most current positions taken by the IRS in litigation against the more advanced estate planning techniques.

Key Contacts

Thought Leadership

June 2023 Speeches & Presentations Interactions with the IRS
June 2022 Speeches & Presentations Masterclass in Estate Administration - Part III
20 May 2021 Speeches & Presentations The Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion Act of 2021
June 2023 Speeches & Presentations Interactions with the IRS
June 2022 Speeches & Presentations Masterclass in Estate Administration - Part III