News Releases

Windows on Wellness - Carina Antweil


In an effort to promote wellness and mental health, we are pleased to introduce our Windows on Wellness series. Throughout the series, our lawyers and staff will discuss their biggest wellness challenges over the past year, and habits they’ve adopted or resources that have been valuable in improving their mental and physical wellbeing.

Carina Antweil, Corporate Partner in our Houston office, reflects on her wellness journey during the pandemic:

What has been your biggest wellness (mental, emotional, or physical) challenge over the past year, and how have you addressed it?

Carina: My biggest wellness challenge during the pandemic was how sedentary I quickly became working from home. Pre-pandemic, I woke up at 5am to go to a barre class or hop on my internet connected stationary bicycle at home, but I stopped doing that when the pandemic hit (telling myself I would work out in a free window during the day). Well, we all know how that goes… you either don’t have a free window during business hours or if you do, you find something else to fill that time.  Thankfully my children – Charlotte, who is almost 3, and Wick, who is almost 5 – keep me active on the weekends, but it quickly became apparent that something needed to change during the week. I was reminded of this when I put on a suit for the first time in months and realized how snug it felt. I now make it a point to work out each business day; usually early in the mornings so that there are no excuses! 

How does a commitment to your personal wellness make you a happier person or better professional? 

Carina: Working out makes me happier, healthier, more energetic and more patient. That burst of energy and endorphins after a good spin class carries me through the day and undoubtedly makes me more pleasant to be around. 

What wellness resources have been most helpful to you over the past year

Carina: I think the greatest thing to come out of COVID-19 (besides liquor-to-go from your neighborhood restaurants) is the realization that I never need to step foot inside a gym again. I have become an avid internet connected stationary bicycle user and now use my bike and the app far more than I ever used it pre-pandemic. 

What recommendations do you have for others to improve their mental or physical health, resilience, or emotional wellbeing? 

Carina: Just start today. Don’t set some goal for yourself of getting into a workout routine starting next week – just do it today. Even if it’s just a 30 minute walk or class online. Once you start doing it, you’ll realize how much better you feel and will want to keep it up.

Baker Botts is an international law firm whose lawyers practice throughout a network of offices around the globe. Based on our experience and knowledge of our clients' industries, we are recognized as a leading firm in the energy, technology and life sciences sectors. Since 1840, we have provided creative and effective legal solutions for our clients while demonstrating an unrelenting commitment to excellence. For more information, please visit

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