Baker environmental and natural resources lawyers, equipped with a keen understanding of wildlife programs that can impact project development, help client develop legal strategies to facilitate sensible, sustainable growth and uninterrupted operations of their facilities.
We have worked at the forefront of cutting-edge endangered species issues on behalf of numerous industries, including oil and gas, power generation and transmission (including solar and wind energy and hydroelectric), manufacturing, forestry, fisheries, agriculture, and water supply.
Compliance and Permitting. We advise clients on compliance with the full range of wildlife and natural resource laws and regulations that affect existing and proposed business activities, including:
Our work includes advising clients on addressing impacts to protected wildlife species at the project planning stage and representing clients in connection with agency consultations and permitting in order to obtain necessary authorizations. Our proactive and collaborative approach allows us to assist with permitting and compliance outcomes that maximize flexibility and cost-savings for our clients. We also work with clients in addressing potential listings of species and designations of critical habitat under the ESA, including preparing comments and developing region-wide conservation and permitting strategies. We also advise clients on policy issues with respect to federal wildlife regulation and submit comments on various rulemakings under the ESA, BGEPA and MBTA.
Litigation and Enforcement Actions. We represent clients in challenging and defending government actions related to consultation, permitting of incidental take, listing species, and designating critical habitat. We also represent clients in litigation related to various wildlife programs, including citizen suits and permit disputes. Finally, our environmental lawyers combine their comprehensive ESA insight with the experience of our seasoned appellate litigators to best prepare our clients’ cases for potential appeals.